The CIO and their ever-expanding role

Many times it starts with a conversation. The topics range from data security, to the pace of adaptable innovation, to the expanding role many CIOs need to play within their organizations.

The discussion centers on the following questions:

• How can we accelerate our digital innovation?
• How can we take advantage of opportunities that are begging for a solution?
• How do we use the resources we currently have in the most effective way?
• How can we upskill our team quickly and effectively?

IT leaders have been asked to take on a more expansive span of responsibility. Leadership positions continue to transition from a technology focus to a broader business strategist role. Most CIO responsibilities require deep industry knowledge, an understanding of how to run a profitable business, plus excellent communication and management skills.

But the issue with the highest trajectory is the urgent need to drive technology-enabled innovation across the entire business in a fast, yet secure manner. Digital innovation across enterprises commands a broad understanding of business issues combined with a solid grasp of how to implement the latest technology effectively. That is why some refer to the CIO as the “Chief Influence Officer” because most decisions are driven by technology.

The dynamic tension is the following:

How do we move fast yet have data integrity and data security?
How does a CIO continue to balance technological advancement and yet have time to manage enterprise-wide digital innovation?

Logic Cadence is often asked to help balance these dynamic tensions. 

Fast, yet secure.


• Align technology initiatives with business goals.
• Provide external validation for digital transformation efforts in areas like process improvement, system modernization, and revenue-generating opportunities.
• Manage an interactive modeling process to create looks-like, works-like products using insights from stakeholders.


• Build proof-of-concept models to evaluate ideas for new products and services that are still in concept-stage.
• Produce transformative business-case scenarios that define costs, explain benefits and empower IT leaders to communicate the profitability of new innovations.
• Oversee the fast implementation of new architectures as a mission-critical part of strategic change.

Technical, yet accessible.

Enable CIOs to drive innovation and create competitive differentiation by:

• Helping CIOs to focus on opportunities and interacting more directly with customers.
• Identifying revenue-generating initiatives that create new revenue streams.
• Providing analytics to explain consumer demand and identify actions that drive sales.

Create Digital Advisory Councils to:

• Helping CIOs to focus on opportunities and interacting more.
• Help CIOs lead an inclusive nature with stakeholders across organizational boundaries.
• Keep strategic implementation on track.
• Drive data integrity and produce solid management metrics.
• Foster participation in new technology based revenue streams.

Today with skills at a premium and fast up-skilling an essential component of successful organizations, engaging professionals like Logic Cadence can be a strategic advantage.

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