Dan Chally

“If I were any better, I’d be two people.” That’s Dan’s favorite saying, and for Logic Cadence he might as well be. 

Dan keeps things working at the agency, managing the day-to-day and keeping the business running smoothly. It’s a perfect fit for someone who ran operations at McDonald’s Corporate and previously owned and sold a marketing agency. In short, he has the chops to keep us shipshape. 

What is Dan’s favorite part of working at Logic Cadence? Much like the rest of our team, it’s the people he surrounds himself with every day. Solving real and interesting daily problems with people who truly love what they do gives Dan the motivation to show up for them.

Dan’s wife, three children and two grandchildren keep him busy outside of the office as well.

While Dan knows what it takes to keep a business healthy, he also sees the less identifiable strengths that make up an organization—its people. The personal rewards he gains from work are the lasting relationships he’s developed over the years. When you see those colleagues after several years, your bond is so deep that you just pick up where you left off. 

Imagine that—an efficiency and operations man who truly values the people doing the work. That’s Dan in a nutshell.