Rick Wilkerson

You never know what you’ll see in Rick’s Zoom background. The Grand Tetons? Check. The Rockies? Sure. Yellowstone? Most definitely. Rick’s an avid RV-er with the full office setup to prove it. The guy can talk for hours on end about Starlink. He is, after all, a former senior architect for Camping World, which comes with the territory.

All that traveling in his RV gives Rick the perspective to solve problems and bring new ideas to the table in his role as the VP of Software Architecture, not to mention his expertise in the travel and transportation industries.  

Not to continue to beat the RV analogy, but to continue with the RV analogy, solving problems while RV-ing (there are lots!) gives Rick the ability to remain calm under pressure while leading software architecture for Logic Cadence. It also primes his creative problem-solving skills. 

With three children spread across the country from
Dallas to Portland and Missouri, a nomad life is almost necessary for Rick, his wife Shelli and their rescue Great Pyrenees mix Rosie. 

Much like the rest of our crew, for Rick, it’s all about the people he interacts with daily. Somehow Logic Cadence has found some of the best developers and designers around the globe with personalities to match.