Mark McGarrity

Mark McGarrity

Never ask someone in need what they need. Seek to understand them. Walk alongside them. And then you will understand what they truly need. That’s the motto Mark lives and works by, and it’s also why one of his core values at Logic Cadence is never to delegate...
Dan Chally

Dan Chally

“If I were any better, I’d be two people.” That’s Dan’s favorite saying, and for Logic Cadence he might as well be.  Dan keeps things working at the agency, managing the day-to-day and keeping the business running smoothly. It’s a perfect fit for someone...
Kevin Robinson

Kevin Robinson

This Chief Creative Officer will tell you: It’s not the interesting work or even the clients that get him to come to work each day—it’s the team at Logic Cadence that motivates him most. You might think that being head of design or “Chief Creative Officer” means...
Rick Wilkerson

Rick Wilkerson

You never know what you’ll see in Rick’s Zoom background. The Grand Tetons? Check. The Rockies? Sure. Yellowstone? Most definitely. Rick’s an avid RV-er with the full office setup to prove it. The guy can talk for hours on end about Starlink. He is, after all, a...