Personalized Design for Decision Makers

Making decisions is difficult. It is even more difficult when you have to make decisions in an emotional, time-constrained environment with a lot on the line.

Technology has advanced the decision making process immensely through the use of machine learning and AI. Decision Support software facilitates the decision-making process by prioritizing objectives, evaluating alternatives and simulating results.

But when your decision support system requires a high level of human interaction, organizations are often faced with the challenge of how to optimize this resource for their people. Several healthcare firms have asked Logic Cadence for help with this challenge and personalize a solution for their culture. Kevin Robinson (EVP – Chief Creative Officer) explains the design strategy using 3 goals.

Our first goal is to understand

Our design team (UX Designers, data architects) meet with product owners and key stakeholders to be submersed in their world. The goal is to understand daily challenges and long term opportunities. We seek to interpret each culture’s definition of fast. Then we discern the logical progression of gathering information, how to keep participants on track and how to present logical conclusions and outcomes. Our design team also works with stakeholders to align individual’s goals and identify conflicting priorities to ensure stakeholders’ contributions support the overall strategic goal.

“Behavioral Design is a framework for helping people respond to input in a constructive way. We use systematic tools that respect each culture by designing a pattern of least resistance for users. It’s all about understanding how to improve a user’s response while respecting their individuality.”

- Kevin Robinson, EVP/CCO

Our second goal is to create an appealing interface

Our second goal is to create an appealing interface that is embraced by our clients. Our design team uses tested and effective elements of Behavioral Design. Robinson states, “Our job as product designers is to empower the user to use their background and knowledge and combine that with technology to enable quick decision making that is accurate and effortless. We understand the weight of what we are dealing with in healthcare. Sometimes lives are literally on the line while users are interacting with products that we design. That compels us take every decision seriously and balance that with a high level of user empathy.”

The third goal is to identify what works best within the client’s culture

Regardless of the tools the design team uses (tools like reinforced learning methods that are specific to the culture or action cues using ambient communication to prompt a specific action) the designers will build an optimal environment for the user to engage the system. It’s vital to choose the architecture that fits the culture. The design team will create soft incentives that will keep users engaged in the system to optimize user experience.


Decision systems are vital, but personalization is key to a successful implementation. Every organizational culture, learning environment, transaction and human element is unique. Kevin and his team have brought close to 200 products to market by helping clients navigate the behavioral science of creating a user experience that is intuitive and rewarding. Logic Cadence helps clients create effective decision systems that are easy to use, produce consistent effective results, and can be modified as inputs change.